I originally created this web site as a way to share information on how to “heal our guts with food”. That theme is still germane to my mission here. However, there are many other factors that can impact our gut and overall health in negative ways, especially with respect to the environment and how humanity persists in polluting it.
This approach is ironic considering the many reasons agencies and corporations provide as justification for poison such as for farming and food production, “public health” and “the greater good”. This is especially apparent when we consider the risks of using vaccinations, pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. In light of the science and evidence that is coming to light over the last 5 – 10 years, it is far past the time where we need to step back and consider whether we are furthering health or disease with these practices.
Recently I accepted an invitation to join the executive committee of a local grassroots organization called Health Freedom Idaho. This organization has at the heart of its mission something that is of paramount importance to me: health freedom. I want to thank Health Freedom Idaho for the important work they have been doing and continue, and for asking me to join their cause.
This is deadly serious. When we allow agencies and corporations to continue to apply poison to us and our environments in the name of “health”, we can only lose. Our future will not be a future. If we do not stand up for our right to choose or refuse medical and health treatments, we will lose one of the most important human rights there is. I have been saying this for many months, but disregarding the loss of this type of human right will truly be the most insidious forms of human rights violations and discrimination we have witnessed to date; it will affect every man, woman and child – regardless of religion (or lack thereof), race, personal beliefs, gender or orientation.
Please follow this link and read the article and watch the video I made on the topic of mosquito spraying for two different viruses – West Nile Virus and Zika. I talk about the risks of using these insecticides and the science behind it. There are resources provided for further research. I highly encourage you to investigate these references and learn about the risks of the poisons being sprayed from planes as a means to “eliminate public health risk from West Nile Virus and Zika”.